Friday, April 18, 2008

And this is the end...

Hey all,

Sorry I haven't updated more frequently, but here's my last post to be logged from Washington, DC. I'm about to leave the house to go to my final day of work at AEI and then I move out tomorrow. I can't believe my time here has passed so quickly!

I have so much to share but so little time to type (I'm already a little late for work, but it's my last day, so...). I think it's probably a good idea if I just let you know that I have multiple papers due within the week, but that will hardly stop me from procrastinating and writing about my time here instead.

Since I last posted I've done so many incredible things and met some fascinating individuals in the policy and political spheres. I went to the White House (West Wing!), the National Institute for Health, enjoyed a local jazz bar, wrote an opinion piece to (hopefully) be published, had a several minute-long conversation with Paul Wolfowitz (there are no words), had an intern appreciation dinner, and sat just a few steps from the Capitol building late a night to enjoy my last bit of time here.

Stay tuned for more thorough updates on all of the above. I will be seeing most of you in a few short days!

1 comment:

Bryan said...

I expect a visit to CH sometime soon!