Sunday, March 2, 2008

president's day pictures

Finally I've posted some pictures from President's Day weekend!

Here's a picture from the earlier part of the parade:

Okay, this isn't from the parade, but I liked the shot. This is looking straight down Penn Ave. You can see the Capitol building at the end. We're standing on a plaza thing, and directly behind me is the White House. To the right (the tower that's cut off) you can see the old Post Office and on the far right is the Ronald Reagan building (where I have class).

Back to the parade... What Southern event is complete without waving a Confederate flag? For whatever reason, President's Day requires celebration of Southern states' desire to secede...

Jen and Abe! And Jen's holding her beeswax candle, which is a perfect addition to the picture. This is, mind you, in the middle of the parade. They are literally standing in the middle of King Street.

And that's all for now. But stay tuned for a lovely deja vu when I talk about St Patrick's Day parade! There are no pictures of that one because I forgot my camera. You'll just have to take my word that there were greyhounds and Storm Troopers...

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