Monday, January 14, 2008

Getting the "tourist" thing out of the way

Hey everyone! I have some pictures to share! I uploaded them from my camera and I've tried and tried to make a slideshow on the blog of all of my pictures, but I cannot get it to work. However, I have a Flickr site with all of my pictures on it. I'll work that out and get that address to you.

For now, a taste of my exploring on Sunday!

So this is the Supreme Court building. This is about five minutes from my house.

And on the opposite side of the street is the Capitol building. There's some pictures of that more famous building below.

Here's a view from the front, I suppose. Anyway, this is side that faces away from the Supreme Court building and towards the Mall.

And this is from farther away. My initial goal was to walk from my house on Constitution Avenue along the entirety of the Mall. Ha....ha....

These are taken from around the Washington Monument:

By this point I had walked a fair bit and decided to reevaluate my trip to the end of the Mall, aka Abraham Lincoln's classic memorial. I went there a year ago, but there's something about standing at the base of his stately chair and pondering Mr. Smith's trip to Washington and famed filibuster. Ultimately, I decided it wasn't worth it. There's only so many hours in the day, and I still had H&M to discover.

Before I took off for shopping, a far less dignified and historical experience than exploring national icons, I decided to stop at the World War II memorial. I'm not sure what it is about that memorial, but it has particular meaning for me. It is not as renowned as the Vietnam or Korean War memorials, but being a more recent construction, I can see why. Still, I knew I had to stop there at least once, if not once again before I leave in the short months to come.

And then I saw the White House... but I won't bother with a picture of that right now. I'm hoping to get a good protest picture at some point this semester. I thought there would be something going on, but it was Sunday afternoon, after all.

So that's all for now. I started work today and it was great, but I'll fill you in with more details later in the week when I have more to go on.

Oh, and one more thing about commenting: There have been reports of difficulties with commenting. I won't name names. The best way to comment would be to look at the blog updates on the main page and then click the "0 Comments" button. You should be able to go from there. If for some reason that doesn't show up, go to the blog archive on the left, click the particular entry name, and then there should be a more obvious comment option at the bottom of the page. That's all fyi on the off chance that you actually do want to post a comment.

Have a fantastic week!


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are beautiful. I looked at the ones on Flickr. Thanks for posting.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures. Hopefully we can get up to see you soon. Take care and we love you!

Aunt Amy